Quran Trainers



Our male and female Quran personnel are well-qualified and devoted persons of high caliber who understand how to work effectively with students in a welcoming environment to get the greatest results. Our teachers are:

The Holy Quran is the final Divine book revealed to the last Prophet of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This Divine book serves as an eternal source of direction for humanity until the Day of Judgment. According to reports, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) stated that anybody who reads one letter from the Holy Quran is entitled to ten virtues.

  • University graduates in Islamic studies.
  • well versed about Quranic sciences.
  • Well-prepared to teach our courses.
  • Individuals with very noble traits
  • Excellent command of Urdu, English, and Arabic to offer lectures.


 In these courses, students practice reading the Holy Quran, identifying vowel marks in words, and understanding fundamental Arabic grammar and alphabet letters. Students who complete this course will be able to read and pronounce the Holy Quran correctly. The courses

  • Al Qaida
  • Tajveed
  • Quran Reading
  • Quran Memorization
  • Quran Translations
  • Islamic Study
  • Arabic Language Course
  • Urdu Language course



Five Days A Week

  • USA –                     30 USD
  • UK –                       25 GBP
  • Europe –               30 Euro
  • Canada –              40 CAD


Two Days A Week

  • USA –                    20 USD
  • UK –                       15 GBP
  • Europe –               18 Euro
  • Canada –              35 CA

In summary,

the Online Academy creates a virtual space for diverse learners to access education from anywhere in the world. Through its digital platform, it offers convenient and flexible learning opportunities, breaking down geographical barriers and making knowledge more accessible to a global audience. The Online Academy revolutionizes education by embracing technology, fostering inclusivity, and empowering individuals to pursue learning at their own pace.

WhatsApp & Viber : +923224553480

Email. bilalkhan5719@gmail.com